


迪恩·米勒德,21届, Blake Smith '22 Team Up Off the Court for "Tap In" Podcast

当他们在vwin德赢娱乐上学的时候, Dean Millard ’21 and Blake Smith ’22 could most likely be found in the gym making plays on the hardwood for the Patriots’ boys basketball team. Although they are not teaming up on the court to dazzle spectators with their athletic abilities any longer, the two friends are showcasing a different set of skills while keeping basketball at the forefront with “Tap In,” a podcast that covers hot topics around the National Basketball Association (NBA). 

迪安和布莱克是在vwin德赢娱乐通过篮球结识的. Blake thinks it was at an open gym session in the beginning of his freshman year (Dean's sophomore year) and that the two started out guarding each other before they formally met. 在那之后, 他们更频繁地在华盛顿堡校园附近见面, 因为共同的利益而联系在一起, 开始一起在球场上打球. 

在少年校队待了一段时间之后,布莱克说, 这是迄今为止组建的最好的合资团队,” and being swing players between the JV and Varsity teams as underclassmen, 这两个人巩固了他们在大学代表队的位置,没有回头. 一旦他们在GA的比赛结束了, the two kept the conversations going while away at college – Dean at Villanova and Blake at Northwestern. 

“我们总是在争论, 你知道, 他是杜兰特,我是勒布朗, and from there it kind of just went into a whole bunch of different things,迪恩说. 

布莱克说:“我还记得确切的那一天。. 这很有趣. 我带我弟弟去练习, 我找到迪恩,然后我说, “我们谈论NBA太多了,以至于不能做一个播客, 所以我们不妨试试.’ It took a couple of months to really figure out how we were going to do the setup. 我想我们是从去年开始的. Our first episode had something to do with the NBA playoffs or predictions with the playoffs, 所以这是连续几个月. 但我记得当时很兴奋.”

布莱克开始着手制作播客的一集, saying that it would take 30 to 45 minutes unless they decide to record multiple episodes to save for later. 迪恩补充说,他们为自己的真实感到自豪. 

迪恩说:“我们只是想让它顺其自然。. “We want it to be a conversation and we want it to be informative and formal, 但也只是一种对话, 就像辩论一样, 就像一般的玩笑. You don't necessarily have to be the biggest basketball fan or lover to listen to our podcast because you can really learn a lot from what we're saying, 我们尽量做到不偏不倚.”

《vwin娱乐场官方》是Dean和Blake在数字媒体领域的第二次冒险, 这是一个名为GA TV的项目.

Dean said that they were in the startup process and had put a few episodes on YouTube, 但在新冠疫情爆发后,一切都停滞了. 然而, “Tap In” is already off to a hot start with 17 episodes available on Spotify and Apple Music, 以及越来越多的社交媒体曝光率. The podcast has also gotten some attention and shout-outs from members of the NBA community.

“I went to a Sixers game and Isaiah Hartenstein from the New York Knicks said, “TapInDnB, 在Instagram上关注他们,’”迪恩说。. "And then Montrezl Harrell from the Sixers came to the Villanova [men’s basketball] game and I got to see him after the game, 然后他发表了一番高谈阔论. For them, it's just a cool way to engage with fans, but for us, that can really be a game changer.”

当他们不忙于录制播客的时候, 迪恩和布莱克都在各自的校园里保持活跃. 

维拉诺瓦大学政治学专业大二学生, Dean is involved in student government and aspires to run for office in the future. He is also a tour guide at Villanova, does service work, and works with the administration. 尽管日程繁忙, 他说只要有机会,他还是会去健身房, 要么是竞争,要么是自己投篮.

Blake is currently in his freshman year at Northwestern studying journalism and is a member of the Wildcat’s NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball team, 他说这占据了他的大部分时间. He is also involved with the Black Student Union and the Student Athlete BSU, 哪些组织活动将社区聚集在一起.

到目前为止, 这两家公司都没有为“Tap in”设定一个最终目标,’ but both agreed that in addition to entertaining listeners and honing their crafts, 这也是和朋友保持联系的好方法. 

“我觉得我没有太多的时间去考虑这件事,”布莱克说. “我想成为一名体育记者? I think this is sort of like a way for me to keep practicing and sort of do stuff as well as catching up with Dean when I don't talk to him for a while. 我认为这是两全其美的事情.”

“That's another big key to it, just continuing to stay in touch,迪恩说. “We know that college gets busy and distance can kind of ruin friendships, 时间过得真快, 当你们不交流的时候. 我认为这是一个保持联系的好方法. 我们就问问他的赛季怎么样,学校怎么样. We haven't really talked much about how far we think this can go or how far we're taking it, but as long as it just keeps working and we keep learning and evolving and things like that, 我认为这是可行的. 谁知道呢? 我的意思是, 可能需要一个人大声喊出我们或者认出我们, 那可能就是一个突破.”



Spotify。如果= SGs28zWSTtC1ubNbItithQ

〇苹果音乐 http://podcasts.苹果.com/us/podcast/tap-in/id1628194996

Instagram - @tapindnb

抖音- @tapindnb