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GA Students and Teachers Create Community Fridge

Art Across the Academy, the Community Service Organization, 和韦弗之路合作了一个项目——社区冰箱——提供一个装饰好的社区冰箱,为该地区有需要的人提供食物. The idea is that The Community Fridge, located at Weaver’s Way in Ambler, 将滋养身体(通过食物)和灵魂和心灵(通过艺术).

这个社区范围的项目是由荣誉雕塑学生Cat Shuron共同领导的. 在冬天,Shuron找到了高中的教职员工,提出了给Ambler带来一个社区冰箱的想法. Community fridges are refrigerators that are placed in various areas for people to come and get food when they are hungry; they have become vitally important during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“当我在日耳曼敦开车时,我们注意到一个装饰过的冰箱,我想到了这个主意,” said Shuron. “I then did some more research and followed the @germantowncommunityfridge on Instagram. 我联系了这个账户的所有者,她给了我一些建议,告诉我如何创建自己的GAs冰箱. 对我来说,追求创建GA自己的社区冰箱是非常重要的,因为我们社区的饥饿没有被注意到,需要有人给这种情况带来光明.”

Shuron, with the help of CSO faculty leaders, 选择了一些当地组织,询问他们是否有兴趣制作一个社区冰箱,同时也是一个雕塑艺术作品.

“食物和艺术的结合是一种强有力的创造性行动主义,” said Upper School Art Teacher Sara Krupnick-Ritz, 她还与低年级艺术系协调员杰斯·基洛共同领导艺术跨越学院.  凯特告诉我,她在费城见过社区冰箱,但不是离家近的地方. She said that people think hunger is somewhere else, not close to them, 但这不是真的,她问我们能不能帮她把一个社区冰箱带到我们的邻居安布尔. We talked about the history of art as a change maker. 我们讨论了艺术如何成为行动主义,我们还讨论了艺术如何在人们渴望希望的时候滋养他们, love, change etc... we talked about a community fridge as a sculptural work of art. 一件能从我们的社区向我们的社区传递真正的食物、希望和爱的作品。”

Ambler的Weaver 's Way同意为冰箱供电,而高年级的CSO将在学年期间每月为冰箱补充库存并清洁两次.

“为了让冰箱成为现实,我们要做的第一步是联系不同的城镇和企业,看看他们是否愿意把冰箱放在自己的房子里,” said Shuron. “I got many no's, but I finally got a yes from Weaver's Way. 然后,我们必须为冰箱和艺术跨越学院寻找资金, fortunately, provided the fridge. CSO and Art Across the Academy collaborated on the community fridge. In the future, CSO将有一个委员会来确保冰箱的清洁和储存,而艺术学院将帮助冰箱保持如此美丽的装饰.”

The functional fridge sculpture is covered with more than 1,000 GA社区创造了磁铁,并在母亲节周末搬到了韦弗路.

克鲁普尼克-里兹说:“看到这些信息和磁铁的精心制作真是太棒了。. “The kids got it. 他们为邻居的冰箱制作磁铁,他们可能需要希望的信息, love, laughter and, in doing so, they felt a boost themselves. 学会跳出自己的思维,看看我们如何能以各种方式为社区服务,这是非常重要的."

“这是一个社区项目,关键是我们都在一起努力,” said Upper School Spanish Teacher Yvette Marquez-Pribitkin, 谁和高中西班牙语老师Carlos Chubb一起领导高中CSO. "Cat had a vision. She saw that there was a need, and she followed through."

Special shout out to Tech Theatre Director Paul Moffitt, who built the entire shelter in which the fridge now lives.

“看到这个冰箱安装在韦弗斯路真是太超现实了,因为我们在后勤和冰箱的制作上工作了很长时间,所以我很想看到它安装好。,” said Shuron. “我希望它能真正为我们社区的饥饿斗争带来光明,让人们认识到这个问题.

Follow The Community Fridge on Instagram @amblercommunityfridge.