GA is a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in Fort Washington, PA

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Empowering Educators and Learners In 3D Design + 3D Printing with Morphi

As part of opening in-service, all Lower School teachers participated in training for 3D modeling, using the Morphi app on iPads.  Founder and chief designer of Morphi, Sophia Georgiou led the training.  

Check out a few pictures and then scroll below for more details:


Context Setting

● Technology in the classroom, the maker movement + educators as leaders

● 3D design as an empowerment tool in all subject areas (STEM/STEAM)

● Understanding overall workflow of 3D design:

curriculum idea + 3D model (STL/OBJ file) = 3d printing, AR/VR, Stop Motion, Game Design


Curriculum Ideas 

● manipulatives/explaining concepts+ideas

● experimentation

● portfolio development/21st century skills (fluency in many high+low tech tools)

● entrepreneurship (product design, character design, game design)


3D Design basics 

● Opening a new 3D scene: 3D space (x, y z axis) + toolbars + the grid

● Tools (creation tools (right), file tools (top), grid controller (bottom left)

● Hidden tools (editing tools (left), scaling tools (bottom), alignment tools

● 2D to 3D (freehand drawing, mirroring, photo album, camera, revolving lines)

● 3D Shapes (primatives, hidden shapes)

● 3D Text + Typing (fonts)

● Selecting, deselecting + moving objects

● Adding + Subtracting objects

● Rotating (90 degrees, Snap to Grid, Rotate Button)

● Measuring + Scaling (Ruler, Bottom Sliders+Precision Scaling, Transforms Button)

● Grouping, Ungrouping + Merging Objects

● Intersecting Objects

● Saving STL files

● Exporting STL and OBJ files

● Importing STL files


3D Printing basics 

● STL file slicing + 3D printing + model finishing + takeaways/learnings

● Materials + mold making

● 3D printing resources: Thingiverse, SketchFab, Shapeways, 3DHubs

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